Finally: The Deviance Premium features are here! Four new functions to increase your chances of exciting kinky encounters. Here’s how.
Online dating
From Munich with love…
How fast should it go, and how many coincidences are actually still normal? Miss Lena shares her experiences on Deviance.
Sought, found, married! Interview with our users
“Deviance aims to help BDSM-interested individuals who hide their desires from each other to connect. But what are the experiences?”
Your profile text – How to type right!
In online dating, your profile text, along with your pictures, is the first impression of you. Here we explain what you should pay attention to in order to arouse interest in your suggestions.
How to find out if someone is into BDSM
Whether it’s a new acquaintance or a long-term relationship, how do you find out if another person is into BDSM or open to try it?
How to create a kinky dating profile
Indeed, dating profiles offer the opportunity to reveal more about one’s personality than offline interactions. Here are our tips.
How to get covered properly
" 'to cover' in the context of dating refers to securing oneself through informed third parties. This is rarely done today by an old-fashioned chaperone but rather by a trusted person who is informed, along with some thoughtful strategies and a mobile phone. Because...
8 tips for good profile pictures on Deviance
When online dating, your profile picture is crucial. How do I take a good selfie and how can I score points on a BDSM platform?
How to talk kinky online… and how dafuq not
Profile viewed, smiled at the picture, swiped right. And… It’s a match! But what now? Here are our tips on how to turn the chat into a success.
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