10-points to check: Is my Dom dangerous?
Some people exhibit reckless and manipulative behavior in BDSM relationships. Find out if your Dom is dangerous with this self-check.
10 red flags that Subs should pay attention to with Doms
There are specific red flags that can be observed again and again in submissive or dominant personalities. This article is dedicated to “Dangerous Dominants”.
Playing for the first time: tips and advice
You can hardly wait to finally try out BDSM. But as the first time gets closer and closer, you realize that there are still many unanswered questions.
13 red flags for dating and relationships
Red flags are warning signs to watch out for in relationships and dating. Here are 13 red flags to pay special attention to in BDSM.
8 red flags Doms should watch out for with Subs
When people talk about red flags in BDSM, they usually want to warn submissive people. But not all subs are lovely angels.
16 questions to ask your date
Conversations are sometimes not an easy matter, especially on BDSM dates. Here are 16 questions that will put your date through their paces.
Talking about preferences: “And what are you into?”
Talking about preferences, inclinations, and fetishes can be daunting, feel unfamiliar, and evoke feelings of shame. Here are seven ideas.
8 points for your safety when dating
When two or more people engage in BDSM, the issue of personal safety should be anything but neglected.
The best and safest locations for your first date
Dating location: The first date in BDSM always brings some difficulties with it. One of them is choosing a suitable location.