Sticky fingers? 69 ideas for the first message to your match!
Score, you have a match! But now? Who writes first? And what do I write? The first message in can sometimes be quite sweaty. Here are 69 ideas.
Deviance Premium: How does the payment work?
You’ve decided on a premium membership? Great! Here’s how to manage your subscription and settings.
What do the buttons under the profiles mean?
Probably you’ve seen it since the introduction of the premium features: Instead of two buttons, there are now five buttons under each profile suggestion. But what do they mean?
Here they are: new features for your kinky dating!
Finally: The Deviance Premium features are here! Four new functions to increase your chances of exciting kinky encounters. Here’s how.
Say no to drugs! Especially to BDSM and drugs…
BDSM and drugs, both promise a high. But these extremes do not belong together. In this article, you’ll find a concentrated load of raised index fingers.
Dealing with a break-up: Goodbye my BDSM lover
Going through a breakup is terrible. When a partnership ends, that’s bad enough. But what if BDSM was also involved?
Play with yourself: Ideas for kinky masturbation
For BDSM, you need at least two people, right? Can masturbation even be kinky? You bet! Here are a few ideas.
Help, the person I like is not kinky!
Can BDSM only work with kinksters? What if I like someone who isn’t kinky? Kitteh spills the beans.
Your profile text – How to type right!
In online dating, your profile text, along with your pictures, is the first impression of you. Here we explain what you should pay attention to in order to arouse interest in your suggestions.