What does “perverse” or “pervert” actually mean?
The term comes from the Latin “perversus”. The translation originally meant “upside down” or “reversed”. For the most part, the adjective is used in relation to sexuality. The term “perverse” or “pervert” is also often used to describe behavior that does not conform to the ethical consensus of the majority. Ultimately, even criminal abominations are referred to in this way. In everyday use, however, we also use the word casually to describe particularly unconventional preferences. All uses have one thing in common: it expresses an otherness, a liking for something “wrong”.
Who or what is perverse?
“Perversity is largely in the eye of the beholder.”
Jan Wöllert
This quote aptly illustrates why we do not label any practice or person as perverse. The term “perverse” is often associated with taboo behavior. However, what one person may view as abnormal, obscene, or deviant can be entirely natural for someone else.
Kinks and BDSM practices in particular are often perceived as perverse by vanillas because they seem unusual, bizarre or absurd.
While the term “kinky” definitely alludes to a sexual difference, “kinky” does not necessarily have a sexual connotation. Non-traditional preferences in everyday life are also considered kinky. It’s not just young people who like to use the word jokingly among themselves. However, the term is mostly used to describe inclinations that lead to one’s own or others’ distress.
When is perversion pathological?
If you look for a medical definition of “perverse,” you will mostly encounter highly outdated descriptions.1 According to these definitions, any sexual practice other than vaginal intercourse between a woman and a man is considered perverse. However, “perversion” or being perverse is not recognized as a medical condition to this day.
When reporting on inhumane crimes and sexual offenders, the term “perversion” is often used. Pathologically, people are referred to as perverse when they cause suffering to themselves or others. This does not mean that the person suffers from the stigmatization of their behavior, but rather that their inclinations cause actual harm. This is the case, for example, when a behavior becomes an addiction. In contrast, the milder term “perversity” refers more to a vice.
What to bear in mind when using the term
The term pervert is used with caution, especially in the BDSM community. Being a pervert has negative connotations for the majority and quickly leads to kink-shaming. There are certainly people who enjoy breaking the taboos of others. They enjoy being called perverted with a certain smugness. Or use it humorously and hyperbolically.
However, the term is still associated with non-consensual torment. Because “kinky” is largely used in a derogatory way outside of the scene and is therefore considered an insult. It is highly discriminatory to make people feel abnormal, deviant or dangerous because of their sexual preferences. Everyone defines and interprets the word differently.3 That’s why it’s better to use it once too seldom than once too often.