Disclaimer: There are different types of milking play, including those involving the breasts of women-identified individuals. This article specifically refers to the milking of sperm, which is why the focus is often on men/testicles/penis. However, this practice is certainly not limited to cis men.

What does milking mean?

Milking is the colloquial term for the practice of “forced ejaculation.” This involves stimulating a person until they reach orgasm and ejaculate. While this might sound like typical stimulation, milking is often pushed beyond the comfortable level, sometimes using a milking machine. This falls into the categories of orgasm control or what is called “post-orgasm torture,” or POT. The resemblance to livestock breeding is not coincidental. The orgasm becomes secondary, and the focus is on the ejaculation.

Another way to milk is through stimulating the prostate to cause ejaculation without the satisfaction of an orgasm. This technique is useful in cases of prolonged chastity to literally relieve pressure, also known as a “cold orgasm.” In the BDSM context, this happens consensually after a detailed conversation about desires, wishes, and limits.

How does milking work?

A good method, as already mentioned, is milking through prostate massage or other forms of prostate stimulation such as pegging, electrostimulation, or plugs. So-called ruined orgasms are also popular for milking.

When using a milking machine, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Typically, penis pumps, masturbators, or sleeves are used, some of which can be attached to a massager.

Milking through the prostate also works when the person being milked, typically a sub, is wearing a chastity belt or penis cage. The penis doesn’t need to be erect for sperm to be released. This can also have a very beautiful, humiliating aspect.

Why milking?

Sperm is produced in the testicles and stored in the epididymis. Perhaps you’ve tasted the difference between freshly produced sperm and older sperm. While older sperm might have a less pleasant smell or taste, it’s not harmful, and nature ensures that it doesn’t stay stored for too long by using two ways to dispose of excess sperm without orgasm. Resorption, where sperm is broken down into tiny particles and transported through the bloodstream and lymph, or pollution, which is also known as a “wet dream.” Milking bypasses these natural mechanisms.

The so-called “blue balls” are not, as often falsely assumed, caused by sperm congestion. In fact, it refers to muscle soreness or cramping in the area of the spermatic ducts. Pressure on the nerves of the spermatic ducts, such as during prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation, increases pressure in the vas deferens and epididymis. This happens, for example, during tease and denial. Some people with penises find this painful.

To maintain arousal while simultaneously relieving pressure from the testicles, epididymis, and spermatic cords, sperm is released without an orgasm. A positive side effect: Regular prostate massage can help with prostate cancer prevention.

What should be considered?

Depending on the method, there are several points to keep in mind. For a manual prostate massage, make sure your nails are short and clean. You can also wear gloves. When milking with toys, as with any anal play, use plenty of lube. Some lubricants help with muscle relaxation. A comfortable room temperature is also beneficial.

If you are using electricity for forced ejaculation, make sure to use safe devices and avoid homemade creations. Pay extra attention to hygiene when engaging in anal play. Toy care and proper cleaning are essential.

If you use a toy with a vacuum or pumping function, be aware that prolonged vacuum pressure on the penis vessels can cause redness or bruising. For anything penetrative involving the penis, plenty of lubricant is crucial to avoid chafing.

Milking is a very individual and specific practice that represents a unique combination of dominance, control, and pleasure. Like all practices, it’s important to make clear agreements, prioritize the safety and well-being of all parties involved, and respect both your own and your partner’s limits.

For those who wish to try this technique, specialized products offer a way to make the experience safe and enjoyable. Curious? Check out our partner Orion for our favorite penis pumps and our preferred masturbator with milking function.

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