Flexible and adventurous: Kinkster

Author: Lynn
A to Z | Roles


When will I actually be kinky enough to call myself a Kinkster?

The term “kinky” derives from the idea of a “bend” in sexual behavior to contrast with “straight” sexual mores and “vanilla” proclivities.

This means that a Kinkster is anyone who is not solely into conventional sex, in the sense that is accepted by the social majority. The fact that you are browsing our BDSM lexicon could be a sign that you are a Kinkster.

Anyone who lives without reference or knowledge about BDSM and has outdated moral conventions in this regard would probably use different words: deviant, different, perverted. Luckily we’re on our own here and very well informed.

But in addition to being used as an umbrella term, there is also “Kinkster” as a special BDSM type: As a role, a Kinkster is a person who takes part in kinky activities with power differentials, role play, sadomasochism, is interested or lives out fetishes, their role but don’t want to define it exactly (yet) and are more interested in being curious.

What roles is a Kinkster related to?

Kinksters take part in kinky activities, practice SM practices and are flexible in the expression of their desire without placing themselves on a particular side of the power imbalance or placing themselves in a status. Many of them are also classic Switchers. Because of their versatility, Kinksters are often not necessarily monogamous, but rather polygamous.

Who matches with a Kinkster?

For Kinksters, the decisive criterion is, above all, sympathy. If you are open and willing to experiment, Kinkster is the right choice for you. In any case, it won’t be boring with this partner. However, the person may just be making their personal entry into the world of BDSM and has therefore not yet made a decision. Especially when it comes to beginners, people on the other hand should remain careful. In the rush of emotions, you quickly exceed the amount of experience that is good for both of you.

As a Kinkster it is important that…

…you find a partner who is just as flexible as you or a suitable relationship model that allows you to explore and live out all your sides and interests.

Even if you prefer not to be squeezed into a mold or BDSM role, and your play follows less of a protocol, it’s still important for you to familiarize yourself with key BDSM principles like SSC and RACK and agree on a safeword with your respective partners.

You’re kinky and want to show it? How about a hoodie, t-shirt, sweater, or cap? In the Deviance Shop, you’ll find a wide selection of everyday clothing as well as home accessories with the motifs “kinky,” “Kink,” “Kinkster,” and the subtle version “knky.”

Do you like what you see? You can find these and many more clearly ambiguous designs on a wide range of products from shirts and tops to sweaters and hoodies, as well as caps and home accessories in the Deviance Shop! #ExpressYourKink

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