What is BDSM?

BDSM and Lifestyle

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Ob körperlich oder mental: Die persönliche Sicherheit ist eine der absoluten Grundvoraussetzungen, damit BDSM auch allen Beteiligten Spaß macht. Hier kannst du dich über die wichtigsten Prinzipen und Tipps informieren.

Sicherheit in BDSM

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The most popular types of BDSM play

Discover the colorful world of BDSM

1. Spanking: beat on beat to ecstasy

The term spanking refers to hitting, for example as a punishment or within a play situation. The submissive person is beaten in a suitable position by the dominant person with the flat of their hand or a specific instrument. Whipping is also counted as spanking and can be summarized under the generic term “impact play”.

2. Mindful bondage art: Shibari

In BDSM, Shibari is a special style of rope bondage that developed from a Japanese military bondage technique called Hojojutsu. In Japan, however, the term Kinbaku is used for what we in Europe refer to as Shibari, which is also often used in connection with bondage. In a figurative sense, shibari means something like “tying up”. Shibari usually involves sexual bondage in which the person being tied up is bound in complicated patterns.

3. Trust is good, but orgasm control is better

Orgasm control refers to the prohibition, deliberate delay or forcing of orgasm. Control is usually exercised by the dominant partner and can be brief, during a specific play situation or over a longer period of time, for example in the form of chastity. One of the most popular forms is edging, a practice in which the submissive partner is deliberately brought to the point of climax only to be denied it.

4. Ageplay – innocent game or perverted?

In BDSM, ageplay is a type of roleplay in which the participants pretend or treat each other as if they are a different age than they really are. Although a person in an ageplay can also pretend to be older than they actually are, playing a younger person is more common. The most popular ages to play are baby, child or teenager. Ageplay may or may not always contain a sexual element.

5. Collars and cuddles: pet play

Petplay is made up of the two words “pet” and “play”. In other words, it refers to erotic role-playing games in which the submissive part usually takes on the role of an animal. Animal or zoomimic also describe this type of BDSM play. Popular animals in pet play include cats, dogs and ponies, but there are no limits to the imagination.

6. Chastity. Or: “a never cuming story”

Chastity is primarily a concept known from religion for moderation in dealing with sexuality. The word “chaste” is derived from the Latin “conscius”, which roughly means “conscious”. In BDSM, chastity is a form of play in which one person abstains from sex, masturbation and/or orgasms at the request of another, i.e. is kept chaste. This usually involves a submissive person.

7. Golden Shower – Just let it out

Natursekt is the German generic term for games involving urine. Even if the word, which alludes to the bubbling golden spring of the human body, actually refers to the urine itself. This type of game is also known by the English term water sports or the abbreviation NS. It usually refers to a person urinating on another person or themselves, sometimes also to drinking fresh or bottled urine.

8. Needle play – Painfully beautiful

Needle play is the BDSM practice of piercing the skin of a bottom with needles. As it is a type of play with a not-so-small risk of injury and infection, needle play is generally classified as edge play and falls into the RACK category. The basic idea is that a needle is inserted just below the surface of the normal skin so that it emerges through the skin a short distance from where it was inserted. There are also more extreme types in which genitals, nipples or other parts of the body are temporarily pierced.

9. It’s getting hot: wax play

Wax play is a BDSM practice in which hot candle wax is dripped or poured onto the naked skin of a submissive person. Depending on the quantity, individual drops are distributed or a large area of the body is covered with wax. The wax cools on the body part and becomes solid, creating a special look. As with many practices, enduring pain and the associated devotion and submissiveness often play a role in wax play.

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